Tuesday, February 3, 2009


First of all, I had the opportunity to work on a test shoot with Eleven, a design firm in Minnetonka, and it was super fun =D I don't wanna talk about it too much, though. I will tell you the commercial is for Vision Ease LifeRX glasses, which are the "transitions" lenses. I think it's gonna turn out pretty tight! The commercial is in stop-motion, so that makes it more fun!
BUT ALAS. It has to be a secret, I guess xD
And nobody wants to hear about that anyway, hahaha xP
The images I posted aren't anything too special.... Just a packaging design I made in my Graphic Design class. It's a redesign of a Dasani label, but, obviously, not a Dasani bottle. Cuz they're ugly and I hate them. Although this bottle is ugly too, but that's not the point xD
I was thinking about posting the progress of the sculpture I'm working on in my Foundation3D class at MCAD, but I think it'd make more sense to just post it when it's all done.
So that'll be up in a week or two.
Nothing more to say.

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