Sunday, June 20, 2010


Monday, May 31, 2010

Self-Portrait for Comic Short Story/Because I wanted to try it

Actually, originally I just happened to be doing a self-portrait sketch and then I discovered it was an assignment for my summer class. So that's what this ended up being for.
I don't really like it. But I just kind of hate doing self-portraits/analyzing myself. Haha!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A project from Intro to Film.
It was originally silent, then our next assignment was to add sound to it.
(Note: This one and the other one were both really pixely because I made the dumb choice to export them as AVI files. Dehhhhhhh.)

Work in progress

I've been working on this drawing for a good long time. It will be a while before I finish it, but I felt that it deserved to be posted in its stage of mid-progress.

Intro to Film Final Project

My final project for Intro to Film, on the theme "Aging/Obsolescence/Death".
Kind of a work in process?

Not really "work" from last semester, but I like them

These are my resin guy doodles.
I got better at these since I used to draw them in high school.
Could be documented better, but deal with it.

Last semester's work, at last!

This doesn't look as good on some computers, such as PC's, but I love it.
The web version of my previous book assignment from Media II.
I have no idea how I'm going to post my other 2 projects from this class... one is a film project consisting of 11 small films (which is more time-consuming to post than difficult), and the other is a really complex max os file that I'm not sure how to publish... But I really like both projects, so hopefully it works out...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Kaitlin McFartly

Try not to have your mind blown by that photoshop job, hahaha.

You know what I should do next?
Post last semester's work...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kittens inspired by kittens.

The "worst" one so far in terms of time spent on it/crazy things happening in the image, but you know what?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My second semester of college is over

....And what a wonderful year it was.
Next up: work from Spring 2010 semester.
Or just more drawings of people.
This one is my special boy, David.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wow, look! Still drawing pictures!

The true story behind Sydney's scars.
Cancer, my ass.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Still not finished with finals.

Furies vs. Punks=Theo vs. Fritz
[The Warriors]

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What to do when you're sick of finals and you just want to draw again.

Make portraits of Jameson accidentally!

The semester is over in less than a week. Then, maybe I'll think about posting my work from this semester.

P.S. I like this drawing more than I thought I would.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I know who the winner is!


I was one of the winners of the Foundation Merit Scholarship Awards at MCAD this year :)
Just found out yesterday... It's only a couple grand, but hey. That's more than 0 dollars.
I'm more excited about the pride points I gained from it, anyway!

So... yes. That's my brief cocky announcement.

Hopefully, I'll post work from this semester sometime in the near future!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's hard to explain....

This is a "book" made for Media 2 class
There are the photos up top
And there's the book on the bottom
I hope you can understand it

Drawing 2: Final

One of my two finals for Drawing 2
This is the traditional self-portrait- the non-traditional has a lot of set-up, so if I do ever post it, it will be awhile... I need a lot of space and time.
This drawing felt like it took a million years... I like it, though. ALL LINE. NO SHADING.

Image 1: Full drawing
Image 2: Detail of mouth
Image 3: Detail of hair

Drawing 2

Another one from drawing 2
The image doesn't look so hot... But it's not an amazing drawing anyway.
I dare you to figure out what it is...
Multimedia on illustration board

And finally catching up on Drawing 2 Documentation from last semester

A color gesture; 10 minutes
I don't really like this drawing.
I did a warm tone one on pinkish paper that I liked better, but I can't find it... I'm 98% sure my teacher has it, but she claims she doesn't... Ah well.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The "Mundane" Project-Part 2

The last two pieces to the project
These two are my favorites :)

The "Mundane" Project-Part 1

For my 2D final
A project mapping out my drive to school everyday.