New charcoal still life!
Another product of my drawing class.........
(this class has taken over my life, by the way. Every time I close my eyes I see charcoal skulls in still lifes. Every time I sleep I have nightmares about drawing.)
Just made this one in class today; we only had three hours to work on it, usually we spend at least five, but it was an interesting new project in value, which compelled me to share it.
I don't like the hatching on the floor..... My teacher came up to me and put the hatching on there to show me what she wanted, and I was kind of sad cuz I liked it A LOT better before that ):
But hey. That's what happens when you study art.
As I've repeatedly said, I did NOT spend a lot of time on this drawing, so please don't be hatin' too much :) Bahahahahaha
What do you think?
For a 3 hour sketch of that size, I really think you did well. The values look defined and consistent, and I know that's the point, so YAYYYY.
Oh...any idea if I can do that figure class with you? It would be splendid to do that sometime.
At least you have artistic talent. I drew one amazing picture in 6th grade, which I then lost.
We've been doing a lot of charcoal sketches recently in my art class too, I absolutely love working with that medium<3.
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