Monday, October 6, 2008

A Couple O' New Charcoals!

I feel like I'm posting blogs far too frequently...... Ah, well.
I have a couple new charcoal drawings I wanted to share with you. Both of them are about 22.5 x 30 inches in real life, so the images aren't very accurate.... I gotta start documenting things better.
Those are drawings all right.
The top one is a still life drawn from our ever-changing ginormous still lifes in good ol' room M205 at MCAD!
The second is a self-portrait, done in a less-than-realistic style, but I think looks kinda neat!


Jay said...

I like your SP! SOUPER NEAT!! Yes...souper. as in soup.

Chuckles said...

your Self-portrait is definetly hopping. I think I am oddly attracted to it. (kidding)

and your still life is definetly quite teh amazing