Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Very VOLUME Christmas

I discovered something very important last night: I SUCK at action photography. Ah well. It was my first time. And in my defense the lighting situation was terrible. xD
Displayed is a few from a collection of photos from the Volume Skateboards Christmas party. I decided not to post the pictures of some of the guys just hanging out, because they were gross, to say the least. Haha!
Pictured here are a few members of the Volume team--- from top to bottom:
  • Photo 1: Joe Clarke
  • Photo 2: Joe Clarke
  • Photo 3: Jonathon Reese (age 10--- the team young'un)
  • Photo 4: Kevin McQuarrie

The rest of the team, not pictured here, includes Ian Sherman, Kyle Dykstra, and Bryan Hansen.

So yeah. That's all I have to say about that. Go easy on me--- this is my first action shot attempt! xD

1 comment:

Steven said...

The picture of Reese doesn't look too bad. And yeah, the lighting doesn't really work in your favor. I haven't done much action photography, but it seems pretty good for a first time.
Hope you had/are having a Merry Christmas, or Kwanzaa, or Hanukkah, or whatever!