Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's hard to explain....

This is a "book" made for Media 2 class
There are the photos up top
And there's the book on the bottom
I hope you can understand it

Drawing 2: Final

One of my two finals for Drawing 2
This is the traditional self-portrait- the non-traditional has a lot of set-up, so if I do ever post it, it will be awhile... I need a lot of space and time.
This drawing felt like it took a million years... I like it, though. ALL LINE. NO SHADING.

Image 1: Full drawing
Image 2: Detail of mouth
Image 3: Detail of hair

Drawing 2

Another one from drawing 2
The image doesn't look so hot... But it's not an amazing drawing anyway.
I dare you to figure out what it is...
Multimedia on illustration board

And finally catching up on Drawing 2 Documentation from last semester

A color gesture; 10 minutes
I don't really like this drawing.
I did a warm tone one on pinkish paper that I liked better, but I can't find it... I'm 98% sure my teacher has it, but she claims she doesn't... Ah well.